For each job one extra line will be displayed with this information. If you are viewing the global list of jobs, you can use the View → Job Location menu command to show where on your disk the jobs are located. To switch between the two modes (showing only jobs in the current directory, or showing all known jobs) use the toggle switch at the right bottom corner. The big advantage is that you do not need to remember where you saved a job, it will automatically show in the global list. This typically can be a huge list, and it is limited (currently) to 500 most recent jobs. All recent jobs that it knows about (by previously scanning a directory, or by running them) are shown. results as extension.ĪMSjobs can also show a global list of jobs. A job may also contain a directory, it should have the. All files that have the same file name, with only a different extension, will be considered to be one job. When AMSjobs starts, it will generate a list of jobs for you by scanning the local directory.